
35+ Genetics Books for Free! [PDF]

To continue expanding our virtual library, we have prepared a topic related to modern science that has helped, to a great extent, to the advancement of mankind. This is our excellent collection of books on genetics in PDF format, which is now available to our community.

Since the discoveries of Gregor Mendel, modern biology has used genetics to study DNA and RNA and how the generation, expression and transmission of genetic information from generation to generation occurs. These processes can be better understood in our PDF genetics books.

Genetics can be defined as the study of genes, the fundamental purpose of which is to investigate heritable traits. It is a branch of biology and is constantly evolving.

It is considered that the first geneticist in history was Gregor Johann Mendel, who developed the well-known Mendelian laws that explain genetic inheritance. His experiments were with different varieties of peas.

These findings were key for biology to find another way to study living organisms. Genetics is very relevant, especially in determining the transmission of diseases from parents to children.

We all have 46 chromosomes, 23 inherited from the mother and 23 inherited from the father. The chromosomes contain the genes and are composed of DNA, which is the code that provides the instructions. In fact, genes tell each cell how to behave.

A genetic abnormality or mutation, in other words, a change in the instructions, can cause diseases or syndromes. Sometimes they are mild, sometimes moderate and sometimes severe, depending on the case.

Genetics has several branches, such as classical genetics, developmental genetics and molecular genetics, among others.
Discover more about the interesting world of this discipline by taking a look at our more than 35 books on genetics in PDF format, available now for download.

Books on Medical Genetics

The organism contains thousands of genes distributed in a unique way with the objective of instructing the functioning of the cells, being this a determining action of the physical features, behaviors, tastes, among other aspects, that the individual acquires through biological inheritance.

Likewise, diseases, pathologies, malformations and different affections are transmitted. Therefore, it is important to obtain knowledge about these clinical manifestations, based on the care, diagnosis and prognosis. In this sense, it is recommended to consult books on medical genetics.

The content of these texts delves into this branch of medicine that studies the treatment of hereditary diseases, covering from the conception of humans until their death. This science is very diverse and is subdivided into several areas: clinical, biochemical, molecular and cytogenetics.

Medical genetics and genomics 2016

Csaba Szalai, Erna Pap, Sára Tóth

Medical Genetic Services in Developing Countries

World Health Organization

Basic Concepts in Medical Genetics: Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics and the Rise of the New Technologies (Power Point Presentation)

Robert Nathan Slotnick

Books on Forensic Genetics

The breadth of the science that studies the transmission of biological inheritance through DNA over generations is invaluable, as it masters a number of aspects of each individual, such as height, complexion, eye and hair color, among others.

Thanks to it, it is also possible to obtain any type of information, such as that resulting from the examination of a lifeless body or the analysis of the residues of a person who has suffered sexual abuse, whether to confirm identification, paternity or any enigma subject to a criminal investigation.

Forensic genetics books present an explanation of this discipline, which is based on the investigation of human identity through samples of biological fluids, anatomical remains, teeth and various methods that are detailed in these texts.

Forensic Genetics in the Governance of Crime

Helena Machado, Rafaela Granja

Study on DNA Profiling Technology for its Implementation in the Central Schengen Information System

Angers, A., Kagkli, D.M., Oliva, L.

The Future of Forensic DNA Testing

National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence (NCFDE)

Making sense of forensic genetics

Sense about Science

Books on Human Genetics

Within the members of a family it is possible to distinguish at a glance the similarity of physical and anatomical features between them, for example, when the son has the same body shape as the father or if the daughter’s eyes are identical to the mother’s.

This has an explanation, and it is due to the genes that each one has in the organism, which are grouped in a certain order along a chromosome to determine the appearance of hereditary characteristics in people.

This information is expanded in books on human genetics, which describe this science whose study is based on determining why traits, attitudes, diseases and behaviors appear in individuals.

Understanding Genetics

Genetic Alliance

Basic Concepts of Human Genetics (Power Point Presentation)

Michigan Technological University

The New Genetics

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Human Genetics Lecture #1

Cristina de Guzman Strong, Ph.D.

Introduction to Basic Human Genetics

Hanan Hamamy

Books on Molecular Genetics

The gene is a unit that encodes inheritance information, in other words, it is the determinant of whether a human being resembles his or her father or mother. This segment is composed of molecules that store biological data and decide its generational transmission.

The detail of this information is expanded in books on molecular genetics, where a detailed explanation of this science that studies the molecular structure (as mentioned above), the function and replication of each particle, as well as the purpose of DNA and RNA within the organism is presented.

By combining its method with that of biology, this discipline helps to understand the origin of the specific mutations that produce diseases and the reason for the inheritance of specific characteristics.

Molecular Biology and Applied Genetics for Medical Laboratory Technology Students

Mohammed Awole Adem

Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase

Primer on Molecular Genetics

Denise Casey

Poultry Genetics Books

In poultry farming, the transmission of genes is manipulated with the aim of obtaining improved crosses, resulting in pure and healthy species, as well as a superior quality production that benefits this sector economically.

As in humans, this process is determined by biological inheritance, where animals of the same generation and lineage are experimented with to favor their qualities and characteristics, as in the case of broilers and laying hens.

To know all the tools, techniques and methods applied in this science in charge of studying the molecular composition of these segments in birds, it is ideal to consult the poultry genetics books, whose bibliography will be a useful guide for poultry farmers.

International Registry of Poultry Genetic Stocks

Ralph G. Somes Jr.

Genetics and Welfarein Organic Poultry Production

Brunberg, E.I., Grova, L. & Serikstad, G.L.

Chicken Genetics and Reproduction (Presentation)

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association

Books on Agricultural Genetics

If in humans and animals there is a process of gene transmission, what happens among plants? Within this kingdom, these particles are manipulated to germinate prototypes with improved characteristics, which represents a point in favor of farmers.

Through this procedure, it is possible to obtain specimens of superior quality in terms of size, shape, color, life span, climate resistance, among others, which translates into effective production and guaranteed food safety.

Delving into the literature of agricultural genetics books will help any reader, mainly farmers, to understand the science that studies this process of crossing between plants to obtain the desired crops.

Plant Breeding and Genetics

P. Stephen Baenziger, Rita H. Mumm, Rex Bernardo

New Genetics, Food and Agriculture: Scientific Discoveries – Societal Dilemmas

International Council for Science

Genetic Improvements in Agriculture (Presentation)

Teaching Tools in Plant Biology

Books on Bovine Genetics

The transmission of genes in cattle is a determining factor to improve the production of these species, since the biological characteristics of each animal are strategically studied, and based on this result, the crossbreeding is defined to obtain powerful offspring.

All the information corresponding to the transmission of traits, characteristics and qualities in the bovine sector can be found in the books on bovine genetics, created to guide producers in obtaining genetically superior animals.

Through these texts, the reader will have access to the techniques and strategies that must be put into practice to obtain fattening calves, fertile heifers, among others that will contribute to increase the economic benefit of this activity.

Genetic Improvement in Cattle

Dr Andrew Cromie

Genetics of Dairy Production

Charlotte Dezetter

Genetic Epidemiology of Bovine Infectious Diseases

Medhat Mahmoud

Books on Clinical Genetics

Sometimes, the DNA sequence of a single gene undergoes unintentional alterations that result in disorders in the individual, which can be biologically transmitted between families, through generations, and may manifest themselves in the future.

When these types of medical conditions occur, patients are cared for by physicians who specialize in the branch that studies these types of diseases, which are described in clinical genetics textbooks.

The content of these texts includes all the information related to the diagnosis, treatment and care that people with these conditions should receive, as well as the steps to be taken to prevent the onset of these conditions.

Practical Challenges for Clinical Genetic Services (Power Point Presentation)

Dian Donnai

The new genetics and clinical practice (Article)

Ronald J A Trent, Robert Williamson, Grant R Sutherland

What Happens in a Genetics Laboratory? (Article)

Dr Ian M. Frayling and Dr Domenico Coviello

Books on Population Genetics

The determination of the transformation of species depends on the number of individuals that interbreed, the number of offspring they leave behind, the composition of the genes they possess in the organism and how these vary when transmitted through the generations.

For more information on this topic, it is recommended to consult books on population genetics, whose content includes all aspects related to the science that describes the change and distribution of the allele frequency in a group of individuals of the same species, which are isolated from other related individuals.

The bibliography of these texts constitutes a contribution to the scientific world to explain evolutionary phenomena, and also serves as a support to those students who are beginning in this discipline, as well as to any expert in the area.

Module 3, Population Genetics

Nicholas Wheeler & David Harry

Basic Concepts of Population Genetics (Presentation)

Crop Genebank Knowledge Base

Introduction to Population Genetics (Presentation)

Lynn B. Jorde

Books on the Human Genome

The complexity of the biological composition of each individual is almost indescribable due to the number of particles found within the organism, which in turn fulfill a specific function based on the transmission of genetic information and the production of proteins.

In this sense, books on the human genome teach how the DNA sequence distributed in 23 pairs of chromosomes located in each cell (22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes) provide all the information regarding the purpose and individual mission of these particles.

Through these texts, the reader will get support to know all the terms involved in this topic, such as alleles, molecules, exons, among others; mainly to those students who are starting in the world of genetics.

The Human Genome: Structure and Function of Genes and Chromosomes

Masarykova univerzita

The Human Genome Project

P. Gross & T. Oelgeschläger

The Human Genome And What We Do With It! (Presentation)

Dr. Kaitlin Wade

Books on Mendelian Genetics

The transmission of genes through inheritance is based on the work done by an Australian scientist and friar, who in the 1960s made a cross with pea plants, resulting in seeds of different styles and some similar ones.

As a result of this discovery the Mendelian laws emerged, known as the basic rules governing inherited biological transmission, which are described in detail in books on Mendelian genetics.

The literature of these texts shows all the information related to these rules that regulate the uniformity of the hybrids of the first generation, the separation or disjunction of the genes that form the pair of allelomorphs, and the test cross and backcrossing.

Principles of Genetics

The National Institute of Open Schooling

Mendelian Genetics (Presentation)

California State University, Northridge

Well, this was our collection of Genetics books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and find your next book!

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